Bee Protection Campaign

Designed a pair of posters with two different target audiences.

The poster on the left is targeted towards farmers of the cucurbit crops. This informs them of the importance of supplying these crops and how much bees benefit from them.

The poster on the right is designed to target Gen Z and engage them in wanting to learn more about how to be involved with the protection of bees. When printed, the poster would include a small bag of wildflowers for the person to plant.

Chill ‘N Chomp

Chill ‘N Chomp was designed to have a mess-free cupcake. The idea stems from a childhood memory of turning cupcakes into sandwiches by cutting the cupcake in half and flipping the top over so the icing is in the middle. As a messy child- this helped me be a little less messy.

Chill ‘N Chomp
